Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 2010 Daring Baker's Challenge: Traditional British Pudding

Ok... How should I start... I was extremely anxious about the first challenge since I know for sure that my dear husband will not touch anything with any insides of animals. On the other hand, I really want to try the recipe's as is, that's how one get to experience with different flavour, right?!

The recipe can be found at : http://thedaringkitchen.com/recipe/spotted-dick

This month's host was Esther, who challenged us to make a traditional British pudding, with that said, it has to be steamed or boiled in water. After reading various variations on the Internet, I found out that many nowadays does it with pressure cookers in order to shorten the 5hours of steaming to only 1~2 hours.

Before and after... doesn't look too different... The taste? Awful!!! I must say, I don't like kidneys.

To be honest, this method of cooking is pretty common for us Chinese. We steam all sorta doughs, sweet and salty, with fillings and without. But if we were to use any type of fat, it'll have been lard and not suet.

For me, this challenge was a failure, I think I will stick to using lard and steam my bums the Chinese way. But thanks Esther for letting me try something that I'll never thought of.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dreamed of family


我夢到我要去大陸玩, 所以回家整理行李
出門前 大哥幫我把行李帶到家裡, 然後帶我出去吃早餐
重點就在早餐,  10幾道菜吧!!! 超棒的,我印象很深刻, 豬肉沒有臭味, yey!! :P

忽然我就醒了 哀~ 還有三四道沒有吃到阿!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Best corn soup ever!!!

今天煮了一個超好的玉米濃湯 no pictures cus my dear hubby finished it in a second! ^-^

2 whole corns ( cut out the corns)
2 cups of whole milk
50 grams of chopped up cheese (I used farmer's cheese, it's a less cream type of gauda)
1 cup of chicken broth
3 tbsp of flour
2 slices of ham chopped up
1/2 large onion chopped up
2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp chopped up parsley
1 clove garlic chopped up

Stir fry the onion, ham, until onion's tender (medium heat), add in garlic and parley stir fry for another minute. Add flour and stir until paste. Pour in chicken broth and milk until boil. Stir in chooped up (or grated) cheese and pepper and boil for another 30 sec until cheese are melt. Serve hot! Great with garlic bread.

趕快把我做的食譜記下來 下次mumu要吃我才記得 @@

Thursday, April 1, 2010

WMF bowl + 有的沒的

Yeap, this is what I do every single day after my dear husband (DH) goes to work

How I met your mother + Chile (cus Chile=Strawberry)
超超超超超好吃阿~~~~ VIVA CHILE!!! jajaja
Oh, that bowl, 我一定要好好介紹一下! it is my WMF bowl! it has this cool feature where you pull the string and it turns the white bowl inside and drains the fruit/veggies inside. 酷吧!

You can even use the outer stainless-steel bowl as a mixing bowl for ANYTHING!
我在想因該還可以放到火上煮東西吧~ 哈哈~ 這真的是一個萬用鍋喔